正荣公益游学 | 行走胡志明,觅寻城市社区的点点滴滴



此次游学获得了社区基金会全球子基金(Global Fund for Community Foundations)的资助,学员们将行走胡志明市,从不同的身份视角去了解当地的城市社区发展,也许是一名参会者、一名顾客、一名从异国来的临时拜访者……

Zhenrophilanthropic tour in Vietnam kicks off. From May 28 to June 2, the toursponsored by the Global Fund for Community Foundations will enable participantsto see and learn about the local city community’s development from different perspectives.Suppose you are a conference attendee, a customer or a foreign short-termvisitor…

在一带一路的65个沿线国家中,越南是唯一一个与中国山水海陆都相邻的国家,作为世界上城市化率最快的发展中国家之一,2000年到2010年十年期间,越南城市人口就从19%上升到26%,胡志明市作为越南人口最多的城市,在2015年就拥有795万人,成为东亚最大的城市之一(World Bank, 2015).

Among the 65 countries along the Belt and Road,Vietnam is the only country adjacent to China both by sea and land. As one ofthe developing countries with the highest urbanization rate, from 2000 to 2010,the urban population ratio of Vietnam was seen increasing from 19% to 26% in aten-year. Ho Chi Minhis its most populated city. In 2015, with 7.95 million people lived here, HoChi Minh became the biggest city in the East Asia (World Bank, 2015). 


A metropolisis always met with many social issues and the community development is in muchneed of transformation and catalyst for social power. There are over 200non-profit organizations in Ho Chi Minh (registered or non-registered), and theyall have made great contribution to the community development for the city.


Six persons in all willjoin the tour, they are:

禾伙人·北京博能志愿公益基金会  杨刚

Yang Gang, a Harmony Trainee, from Beijing Probono Foundation

禾平台发起方代表·广东千禾社区公益基金会 章嵘

Zhang Rong, representativeof the Harmony Platform (the initiator), from Guangdong Harmony CommunityFoundation

禾伙人·上海原心社区服务中心 吴秋玲

Wu Qiuling, A Harmony Trainee, from Shanghai Yuanxin Community Service Center

禾平台发起方代表·正荣公益基金会  冯小娟

Fen Xiaojuan,representative of the Harmony Platform, from Zhenro Foundation

禾平台合作伙伴·上海映绿公益事业发展中心 诸昳

Zhu Die, a Harmony Partner, from Shanghai NGO Development Center

正荣公益基金会  欧国耀

Ou Guoyao, from Zhenro Foundation

备注:其中,5位来自禾平台的伙伴,获得了社区基金会全球子基金(Global Fund for Community Foundations)的游学资助。

Note: Amongthem, the five from the Harmony Platform are sponsored by the Global Fund forCommunity Foundations.


Today, friends fromdifferent cities gather in Ho Chi Minh~



Informal exchanges on the“NonprofitExperience between Chinese and Vietnam”


参加LIN Center的年度跨部门会议:伙伴关系—影响力—可持续性

Attending the LIN’sAnnual Cross-Sector Conference: Partnerships – Impact – Sustainability



Visiting thelocal community development organizations that involved in the informalexchanges



Experiencingthe local enterprises


这是一家开设了17年的培训中心,旨在让贫困青年有机会学习和奋斗,KOTO代表着其创始人的基本理念“Know One ,Teach One”。主要通过慈善活动筹集资金来支持行动,目前已经培训了670多名学生。

KOTO is atraining center that has been running 17 years. Its aim is to give at-risk anddisadvantaged youth the opportunity to learn and thrive in their lives. KOTOstands for “Know One, Teach One”. It raises its funds mainly throughphilanthropic activities and till now it has trained over 670 students.

「Mekong Quilts」

湄公河被子是一家专注于高品质手工制作的被子、床垫、配件以及礼品 ,旨在支持社区发展项目,主要目的是促进越南和柬埔寨一些偏远村庄的女性就业,企业的所有利润都再投资到社区项目当中,推动项目的可持续发展。

Mekong Quiltsis a community development programme that specializes in producing highquality, hand crafted quilts, mattresses, accessories and gifts.The main aim: creating sustainableemployment for under-privileged women in remote and rural regions of Vietnamand Cambodia. All the profits it gets will be re-invest into the communityprogramme.

「Saigon Hotpot」


Saigon Hotpotis one of the most active volunteer clubs in Ho Chi Minh. It providesopportunities for Vietnamese students to improve their English and other socialskills by giving guidance, culture exchange, philanthropic activities and otherworkshops.






Let’s lookforward to the learning tour and we will continue to share our experience withyou


for those who cannot join the journey but are curiousabout it, 「please leave your comments below」


ask questions on communitybuilding/philanthropy in Vietnam and we mayfind the answers for you during the tour;

2、留言特别感兴趣的胡志明当地机构,我们将根据时间安排 #为你行走# 直播前线情况。

Write down the localorganization in Ho Chi Minh you have been most interested, and we may #travelfor you and give you the live streaming if the schedule allows.